Before you fill up your ‘to-do list’, read this. {nourishment inside}

Hello beautiful,

I am currently on retreat in North Carolina with my mastermind coach and soul sisters, nourishing my soul and the heart of my business. As I’m tuning into Fall, season of simplicity in transition, I’m deepening into the truth that as humans, we are not set apart from nature.

Just like the seasons change, the rhythms of our lives shift throughout the year as well, because we too are part of the natural world. We are elemental.

Each change in season is an invitation for us: to harmonize our lives, to realign with our own natural rhythms and the sacred rhythms of nature, and to come home…through the lessons that the wisdom of nature holds for us.

Fall is a time to simplify and to slow down.

It is a season for honoring the natural cycles of transition in our lives and harvesting the fruits of our labor.

And so I ask you…

How can you slow down right now?

Where are you willing to simplify this week?

How can you give yourself time to reap what you’ve sown and to honor all the energy you’ve invested in your harvest?

Are you willing to carve out a little or a lot more time and space to just be? To observe how things are shifting and changing in nature and in your life?

Only in slowing down can we begin to enjoy our harvest–basking in celebration for all we’ve manifested, invested, and created over the past few cycles. I promise you, even if it feels challenging to find them, there are celebrations to be had. I invite you to take a moment now to truly pause. Place a hand on your heart, take a long, deep breath, and ask yourself, “Even though things in my world may feel chaotic and may feel really ‘small’ right now in comparison to all that is happening around me collectively, what is one thing that I have done really well lately, and that I am really proud of, regardless of how ‘small’ it feels?”

As I’ve been navigating a very full October so far–with the beginning of my 6-month group program, a journey to North Carolina to join with my coach and mastermind sisters, and plans to lead a retreat at the end of this month for my 12-month group program–I’ve been asking myself this same questions:

Where and how can I slow down right now and truly honor the shift in season?

What needs to be celebrated right now as I transition into a new cycle?

For me, it’s been about celebrating and honoring the intimacy I’ve created with myself by choosing to create space through extra time to connect in with myself through some of my core practices–oil self-massage, meditation, drinking a cup of tea–even in the midst of a fuller schedule. I could have filled that space with a million other things–like packing and preparing for my trip in all kinds of ways–but in carving out this extra space to really honor myself, I opened up so much more SPACE.

I know that as we progress into fall and the holiday season, it can sometimes feel as though things are speeding up, instead of slowing down: more to-do lists in preparation for holidays, more parties to attend, more big projects to wrap up before the end of the year. I also know that when it comes to how we engage, we have a choice, and I’m no longer buying into the story that I have to do more or have everything perfect before I can relax. Before I can focus on nourishing myself.

In slowing down and honoring the seasons of our lives–honoring this time of transition–I have discovered that our efficiency increases, and our creativity and intuitive energies feel expansive, full, and supportive. 

I am intending that you’re allowing the same for yourself, and I’m imagining you as I write–creating and enjoying spaciousness for yourself this week in whatever way feels authentic and totally aligned for you. The seemingly ‘tiniest’ of actions can make such big ripples in your life. 

With love,

p.s. Look out for a special survey from me in the next few weeks. I want to continue nurturing and feeding your Soul through these newsletters, and so I want to hear from you!

p.p.s. Thanks for joining us back in September for the podcast series! Sharing that way was a new edge for me, and it was such an honor to play with you that way. If you missed out, here’s a link to receive all the juicy podcast goodness:

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