I created the new incarnation of this Yoga’licious program from the depths of my being. On this six-month journey, Re-Aligning with Your Natural Rhythm and Essential Expression, I’ll share the deep heart-soul-learning-discoveries that have fueled the transformation in my life and in the lives of my clients.
I designed this program because on this journey, we need support. I have learned that inevitably, if left to our own devices, we forget to check in. You skip that practice, and then the next one, and before long, it snowballs. A day, a week or more, beating up on yourself. You slip back into old patterns of self-criticism and self-doubt, mistrusting your body and your intuition.
It’s time to call in the support you deserve.
There’s something so immensely powerful about having someone awesome (me!) who has been where you are. Someone who really sees you, and who can hold that space for you to shine a loving light on those areas where you’re keeping yourself small. Someone who can help you play big. And there’s something deeply transformative about being part of a sisterhood where you can truly be yourself.
Are you willing to make a stand for yourself and claim your space?
Maybe there is some part of you that feels deeply called. There’s a fiery “yes” in your belly, and that part of you wants to hear more.
But if I know many of you, your inner perfectionist may be piping up: “It’s not the right time!”
“After I get that raise, then I’ll invest in myself.”
“I’ll treat myself to something like this…after I lose the weight.”
“When things slow down and I have more time, then I’ll focus on me.”
These thoughts are your limiting belief systems made manifest. They’re the parts of you that are supporting you in keeping yourself small. On de-prioritizing yourself as a means of keeping yourself safe. Often at the cost of your own happiness. Your wellbeing.
It’s time for a change, and together we will support you in re-prioritizing your needs and wants NOW–not after you think you’ve arrived in some mythical land of perfection and are “ready” for it. |