Time to Transition Differently

Hello Sweet Soul,

I can’t believe we’re already moving into the latter half of the year, and about to head into the season of Fall; wow what a year it’s been! I know it’s been a year of stretching and learning…the times we’re living in are unprecedented, to say the least, and it’s requiring us to show up with a new level of presence in order to meet with our day-to-day.

It’s important we also bring this heightened presence to the transition of seasons, because in the face of the unknown, attuning ourselves to the natural cycle of things and sourcing soul nourishment there is a potent source of power.

Have you ever noticed that as summer comes to an end and the days begin to shorten, it’s like we can flip a switch? From the expansiveness of days in the sun to back-to-work, back-to-school, back-to-the-everyday-hustle mode. Instead of easing into the transition of the seasons, it can instead look like a buckle down and gotta-get-through-this autopilot mode, and in doing so, we miss out on so much that this transition has to offer.

When you’re awake to it, the shift of summer into fall can be beautiful…a time of revelry. A time to harvest the fruits of your labor, to celebrate what you’ve created, and to savor all that is. A time to pause and assess what you’d like to carry forward and what you’re ready to release.

And through this process, you also have an opportunity to deepen your discernment, so that when the full pause of winter arrives, you’re prepared to meet it with less resistance because you’ve already done the work of sorting what it is you’ll carry forward and honoring what there is to let go of.

In skipping this gorgeous moment of slowing down, celebrating, savoring and letting go, you can rob yourself of the opportunity to connect intimately with all that the expansiveness of summer has brought you. You forego the pleasure of anchoring in that which you’ve discovered really serves you and the power of letting go of that which you no longer need with gratitude.

In short, autumn is about using revelry and celebration to connect more deeply with who you are, get present to who you’ve become, and dream into how you’ll use that to carry you forward.

In leaning into rather than resisting this transition, you get to create connections inside yourself that you can actually use to navigate the coming darkness of winter. You get to partner with your past, present and future self in grounding more deeply into where your nourishment comes from and create new ways to access that nourishment in each and every moment, regardless of what comes next.

I know it can be easier to flip the switch…to go on autopilot right now. Buckling down can be a habitual pattern for you; it can be what feels familiar in an every changing world. That said, I invite you to consider doing it differently. What would it be like to create some intentional space for celebration as we embark on the shift from Summer to Fall? To savor what you’ve got? To take stock of what’s really working and acknowledge what you’re ready to release or evolve?

If you know you’re not reliable to take that time on your own, I want you to know that is not uncommon! Holding space for ourselves can be a challenge when we’re new to it or even when we’re expanding new edges, and that’s so much more than ok…

Next month, I’m creating a virtual retreat for you for exactly this reason, and I’m so excited to offer an opportunity for you to connect with a community of women in sacred practice and ritual….to connect with what soul nourishment means to you in this season of your life.

I can’t wait to share more about the retreat with you in a few weeks. In the meantime, if you already know this is absolutely for you, send an email to melanie@melanieelkin.com and I’ll send you the details personally once I roll them out in early September to ensure you don’t miss them. I can’t wait to connect more with you very soon.


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