A special practice for you today on the Winter Solstice
Hello <3,
Today is the Winter Solstice, which marks the crossing of the threshold from Fall into Winter.
Before we were taught to hustle for our worthiness and always be “on” we remembered that our inherent rhythms were closely tied to those of nature (and they still are).
This year in itself has been intense, and so can this time of year. The rush to wrap things up before the new year, mixed with an ongoing pandemic, and then add in all the holiday stuff it can feel like the last “push” before the end of the year.
Yet, counter to the mainstream hustle and bustle, nature has her own message for us at this pivotal time. It’s one of reminding us of our inherent need to slow down, be still, pause, connect in more deeply, rest into the fertile darkness and connect with ourselves and others in more meaningful ways.
The Winter Solstice itself is the darkest day of the year. It reminds us of our natural inherent ability to meet the mystery, to befriend the dark and unknown, to know that life itself is born from a vast fertile dark space.
And while it’s the darkest day of the year, and we’re often taught to fear the dark, what I love about the Solstice is that it also represents the return of the light… for it is a celebration of the light that is to come, and the remembrance that even in the darkest of times there is still light.
In this space of fertile darkness, bare to the bones, things are happening beneath the surface that allow the next season of natural creative expression to blossom. There is deep alchemical wisdom here for you; in this space of pause and being.
Although, without creating the space to pause, be still, reflect and see what is genuinely ready to fall away and also what is ready to be heard, we can run the risk of always being on, and striving for more without a deeper sense of connection, purpose, and fulfillment to the choices we’re making, and the actions we’re taking.
I know that we all have different responsibilities in life and for some it may not be viable to take a full week off, yet I am here to share that you can make it your own. It doesn’t have to be all or nothing. You can still create space for yourself.
This is a moment to soften, relax into the space, and genuinely give yourself permission to see what emerges from the fertile darkness.
And so to support you in this space of allowing and being I’m sharing with you a meditation I recorded a few years back for my clients. It’s a meditation on walking the metaphorical labyrinth and an opportunity to sit with your wise woman Crone.
The Crone often is seen negatively in our society, yet she is magic, and an essential part of us to be loved and integrated (both now and also in our later years). While often seen and connected to a woman chronologically in her elder years, she is the wise woman who lives within all of us. She is the one who trusts, and knows deeply the very essential practice of being, stillness, and letting go into the unknown.
This meditation is an opportunity to be with yourself in a really meaningful way, and to call forth your essential wisdom in support of your transition into this season of Winter. I recommend making sure you’re in a space where you can really receive and be still (so not driving or in a crowded place).
Then after the meditation I’d recommend taking some time to write any noticings or observations that come through in your journal and possibly set an intention for how you’d like to integrate more of what’s coming through for you into your day to day life.
Click here to access your special meditationI am wishing you such a beautiful holiday season, and happy new year. I am grateful to be in connection with you and share these pieces of time together in reverence to your soul remembering. Even if we have not ever met or corresponded, I appreciate you, and thank you ALL for being here.
As you’re receiving this I am on an adventure (more to share soon!), and so I’ll be unplugged, yet feel free to share any thoughts/reflections with me in response here, and I so look forward to receiving you upon my return. I plan to be back in touch in the new year.
With love,
Creator of Essence’tially You, Transformational & Embodiment Women’s Coach