These past few years have activated in us tendencies toward being:
Hyper vigilant, exhausted, burnt out, in constant pulls of fear, running from one thing to the next, disconnected from nature and the natural world, and in a constant state of adrenaline.

We’re not meant to live this way… And yet the world asks so much of us these days.

We’re asked to show up in so many roles during an ever evolving time where the noise is louder, the fear is ramped up, and life as we knew it has massively changed.

As life as we know it has shifted, how do you pivot?

There’s no going back and so how do we create a new stronger foundation to live from that isn’t conditional on what is or isn’t happening outside ourselves, but a foundation reinforced from within that allows you to more effectively meet life’s ebbs and flows?

How do you proceed forward without losing yourself in the process? How do you still show up for life and the impacts you want to make without collapsing with exhaustion, confusion, and a constant feeling of swimming upstream? How do you come back to yourself when life as you know has changed so much?

Where do you even begin?

This is the kind of nourishment that is not just “nice to have” but that brings you back home to yourself.

Where you feel more grounded. Located. Rested into your own knowing even when you don’t know the whole picture. More trusting and softened.  Less at the expense of yourself.  Back in the driver’s seat of your life.

Where you don’t feel like you’re in constant battle with yourself but rather in communion with you. 

A renewed sense of passion, purpose, and clarity in your work even as you still navigate life’s ebbs and flows.

More authenticity in your relationships which facilitates deeper connection with yourself, and others which allows you to relax and just be.

Your Investment in yourself is $97 for the full experience.

Sign Up Now

“I have such a larger appreciation for myself now. I can honestly say that I’m loving myself. I know that I am worthy, and that I am the priority. In working with Melanie, she allows time and space for nurturing, which is completely necessary and welcomed.”

Christin Brown

that when big life shifts happen, you come up to a turning point in life, or as you continue to wake up and face the unknown and the twists and turns of life you are more resourced and ready to navigate it. Which looks like making choices from an honest knowing rather than reaction, feeling a sense of more connection and assuredness in your life, and to feel a self-sourced sense of safety even as the ground below you is moving. 

Soul Nourishment is a state of being that isn’t just a placebo or a fleeting moment, but something so deeply saturated in your being that even through the toughest of times when you can’t see clearly, you’re still there for you and with you. 

To take the space to be and feel rather than hurry ahead and hurt yourself in the process.

The kind of nourishment to replenish a deep well within you, where you may feel parched in your own sincere and true connection with yourself… something lasting not just a quick fix.

To get us out of fear. 

The kind of nourishment that brings you back home to your own knowing, voice, courage, and capacity to make the changes you want amidst a world that is ever shifting.

To make this shift we have to do something different. 

Just reacting to the burnout and dissatisfaction from an old mode of “whip yourself into shape” or “get it together” isn’t going to work long-term. It’s not sustainable because it’s still coming from a limiting structure. One where there’s an idea of fixing and limiting. 

Old systems are crumbling. We can’t keep doing it the way we’ve always done it. It’s not working anymore, and right now we need guidance to return back to our innate knowing and to feel supported in living from our true nature. 

Let’s take a moment to build a whole new ship of soul nourishment to live from, so that as you navigate life’s highs and lows you have this deep well to draw from within you. This may sound like a “nice to have” but it’s a necessity.

“Through my experience working with Melanie, I learned to deeply care for myself, beyond facials, tea, and yoga – the things I usually associated with self-care, and I began to really listen to my own inner tugging and trust my inner knowing.  There were so many unexpected gifts of this unique and supportive container including healing primary relationships and expanding my sense of worthiness and belonging.”

Vanessa Rabatin

May 21st 2022 9:30-1:30 pm PST

We’ll gather together for 4 spacious hours where I will combine my integrated approach of body-centered transformational coaching, feminine embodiment practices and rituals, movement practices including yoga, journaling, sisterhood and sharing in safe space, and so much more to support you in orienting home to Soul Nourishment as a way you walk through your life.

(I know we’re zoom exhausted but this will be interactive so you won’t have to stare at a screen for the full time.)

Connect: We’ll first get connected together in a really supportive space for you to be received in just as you are, because even if we’re scared of that, it’s what so many of us truly are desiring. All of you is welcome, and this is a space to be real, expressed, and received.

Explore: We’ll both explore where you’re feeling stuck and also help you reclaim a new or deepened potential of what soul nourishment could be for you that isn’t fleeting but something you practice and live from. We’ll have some time to move and practice together; to bring in and through your body the new potentials, for that is where it becomes more embodied and known beyond just the concept of soul nourishment. And you’ll leave with the possibility of a new base-line for yourself.

Note: I know that we’re living in the digital age of so many Zoom meetings. My intention is that this isn’t just another meeting, and rather a soul nourishing experience that leaves you feeling empowered, inspired, and connected to the experience of soul nourishment that you can take with you wherever you go-especially as you continue to navigate the unknown. My intention is that you also feel connected to a community of women, where you don’t feel as alone, and all of you is welcome.

Also Note: This virtual retreat is a sacred journey from beginning to end-each exercise weaving into the next. With that being said, this retreat is intended to be participated in from start to finish- giving yourself the gift of being present for the complete time – no rushing, no coming and going, just ease, spaciousness and the opportunity to receive it all! We need time and space like this regularly as a modern women in this fast paced culture-and it is my pleasure to hold that space with you.

I understand that many of us think we can’t stop because if we do there will be a fall out. 

What’s the alternative though? To go and go until something stops you? To get so depleted you’re forced to pause? I’ve learned this the hard way many times and I invite you to listen now while there are more subtle or not so subtle cues. To give yourself the gift to be received and supported before you hit a crisis point.

We must do this now for ourselves. Don’t wait for the ‘best’ time. We must get our footing. We must remember who we are. We must return back, so we’re not as easily swayed or at the effect of the world. 

It’s time to reclaim the place where you’re connected to your inner world and not just going through the motions cut off from the full expression of you. To live a life of meaning. To really taste aliveness in its unique expression, and to feel safe to be true and expressed rather than a watered down version of yourself.

  1. Get located in Soul Nourishment. Take a moment to interrupt the insanity and autopilot of everyday life and reflect on where you’re orienting from. Where we’re oriented and the beliefs we move from and live from has a big impact on the choices we make and the ways we take action in our life. Re-orienting home to soul nourishment is the shift from burnout to replenishment. Overcommitting > to being clear about what we’re actually available for. Moving from fear to choice/impact. Shifting from martyrdom or thinking it’s selfish to take care of you, to knowing it’s not just a nicety but a necessity to take care of your health and wellbeing so you can show up and care for others. This is where you get to create a new ship that enlivens you rather than trying to patch the old ship that isn’t quite working anymore.
  2. Embody Soul Nourishment. To embody soul nourishment is to plug back into your own knowing and reset your body/nervous system. Slowing down practices, easing the adrenaline, returning back to your own body and body awareness. Embodiment is everything. It helps you come back to our own knowing, to rest into your being so you can hear more clearly what you actually desire, and to make choices from a soul nourishing place not a reactive swirl. To slow the fuck down and just be. There will be rituals and practices in order to interrupt the doing so you can really return to a softer place of knowing. The profound effects of this are feeling like you’re moving more in rhythm with yourself, less stressed as you move about your life, more present and available with yourself, your work, your relationships.
  3. Be received, and connect in community/sisterhood. We need this right now. The world is so divisive and it can feel lonely but this is the path home. To be with others, to be seen, to be in the feminine wisdom. To orient from a deeper well of listening. To have a different foundation to stand on. This is what we need right now. And we need to do it in community. Because support, the village that sees you and helps you see yourself, is one of the ingredients that the old pattern/paradigm has been missing.
  4. Visualize and create. From this deepening and aligned place, create a personalized soul nourishment practice you can take with you throughout your weeks and months to come. Something that will continue to return you home to live from the orientation of soul nourishment.

I will be honest that the practice of soul nourishment is a practice, and while this retreat will be a well received and necessary reset for your soul I want to be clear that the path of soul nourishment is an ongoing practice. Anyone who sells you the idea that it’s a once and done is misguiding. Yet, what I can share is that now more than ever we need to create spaces like this retreat to get us out of our everyday rhythm to reset. To interrupt the patterns. To replenish. To see more clearly. To be with others who are walking a similar path and remember that we are not alone. Retreats are not just “nice-to-haves” they are necessary in support of you and creating new life potentials that are harder to do when we’re immersed in the everyday busy of life. 

This retreat is a doorway. A doorway back to you. A doorway to interrupt the sleepwalking, discontent, numbness, and even new potential edges of vision you find yourself in. A doorway to wake you back up to your essential energy again. To assist you in relaxing back into your being, and clearing some of the mental and emotional fog. And to inspire you to take what you receive through our time together and integrate into your life as a practice that serves and supports your wellbeing and awakens your depth, connection, and joy again.

Since working with Melanie, everything has shifted. I walk lighter in this world, even in the heaviest of times. I am no longer run by my stress, but instead my passions lead me. Instead of feeling sort of small and quiet, I feel free and fluid, able to move and take it ALL in!”

Carina Powers

I feel our souls are hungry for ease and spaciousness, depth, meaning,  sustenance, and spaces where we can be real and let the constant managing of ourselves down.

Join me for a nourishing half day exploration into re-orienting your life from a place of Soul Nourishment on May 21st 2022. 

Your Investment in Yourself:
$97 for the entire experience

Please note that advance reservations ARE REQUIRED to reserve your spot and registration closes on May 19th. There is a space cap of 20 women, so I’d recommend signing up now to ensure your spot.

SIGN UP NOW and JOIN US for the POWERFUL day of healing

REFUND POLICY: Admission is non-refundable. You are responsible for the full fee regardless of whether you actually attend or complete the retreat. In the event that you get sick or have an emergency, you can transfer your ticket to someone else.

“I think that was part of the magic of saying yes was you never know what is going to come up that needs to be held and seen in community… and to be seen, held in community and supported was an incredible experience that I’ll never forget and I am forever changed. Melanie holds an incredible container and space, and I couldn’t have asked for a better experience and a more prolific opportunity for me to step into who I am.”

Ashley Kelly Brown

What to Expect from Working with Me, Melanie

I’ve been leading women through this transformative work for over a decade. It’s such a passion of mine, and I feel honored to get to guide a woman home to her true nature, and claim a life that is her birthright.

My approach is holistic in nature as I believe we are not linear beings, and so to heal and evolve in my experience is not a one-size-fits-all approach. I integrate many different types of support and learning that include body-centered coaching to help you return to the wisdom within your body and release old stuck patterns while also creating new potentials. Embodiment through meditation/yoga/breath work/authentic movement, ritual and female embodiment pracitces. Different practices to work through fears and blocks, as well as practices to help you realign with your true nature and cultivate a loving and trusting relationship with yourself. I’ve gotten to support hundreds of women over the years and see so many women transform and embody their true nature so much more.

Personally I’ve been in the arena myself of transformation for over two decades. And like so many of us this pandemic has offered another big embodied transformation for me, and these past 8 months have been some of the most transformative in a long time. I ended something really big in my life and the fall-out was huge. If it wasn’t for my connection to these practices and deeper connection to my soul I feel I wouldn’t have been able to have navigated it the way I have and continue to ride the waves and restructure a deeper newer foundation, and I’d love to support you in your own expression of soul nourishment. It’s time.

How do we stay open and soften to ourselves when the world in all its tragedies is asking us to harden and turn away from ourselves?

This is the real practice, and I’d love to be your guide.

Now’s the time.

Soul Nourishment is a way to help you realign with your natural rhythms again. 

It’s time to learn how to slow down and feel…

It’s time to honor all that’s happened that’s gotten you here… 

It’s time to return to yourself and rediscover what feels good to you now, what brings you pleasure…

There is nowhere to go and nothing to fix, just a choice to now allow the deeper presence of you to spread in your life. This is a pause to deepen and root in pure presence. To re-discover a life where you feel alive, freer, more connected, and allowing yourself to make the changes you want to make in your life. It starts by coming home to soul nourishment and I’d love to guide you there.

Click here to register!