In the energies of Winter, I invite you to join me for a virtual Winter Solstice gathering by the “fire” to come together in sisterhood to mark the changing of the seasons that is in our lineage, and in our blood… for before we were taught to hustle for our worthiness, we remembered that our inherent rhythms were closely tied to those of nature (and they still are).

At this time of year it can feel like a race to the finish line, and the hustle and bustle of the holiday season can add stress and disconnect at a time when nature is mirroring to us the exact opposite with the importance of slowing down, being in deep reflection, and nurturing the space of the great fertile darkness and release within us.

I’ve heard from so many that they are feeling stretched at this time of year, and are craving spaciousness, a pause, and a space to nurture a deep connection both with themselves and others.

Which is why I felt inspired to create this circle… for you… for us… to replenish, create an intentional pause, and to receive deep soul nourishment. To interrupt any patterns of disconnect and busyness so you can honor this powerful moment in the Wheel of the Year, and feel more at home and attuned to yourself as you transition from one year into the next.

Because when we create space to attune to ourselves in this way we often make choices that are more directed from our inner knowing and confidence, we feel more creative and connected to our inner inklings, we feel more alive and available to ourselves and those we love, we feel more energy to nurture the relationships/projects/potentials that we so deeply crave to bring to life, and we are able to navigate with more grace the highs and lows that are inevitable in life.

The Winter Solstice is the darkest day of the year. It reminds us of our natural inherent ability to meet the mystery, to befriend the dark and unknown, to know that life itself is born from a vast fertile dark space and so it’s necessary for our own body, mind, heart, and soul to nurture this space within us as we sync up with the larger cycles of the year.

It also signifies the return of the light, and the longer days to come which reminds us to lean into and trust the natural ebbs and flows of life. And, it mirrors to us our inner wise woman Crone, and our capacity to feel and sense our intuitive nature beyond the logical and linear.

In this space of darkness, bare to the bones, things are happening beneath the surface that allows the next season of natural creative expression to blossom. It’s actually the time in nature where the roots are growing the most.

Yet, without space to nurture these energies within you, and create time to intentionally reflect to see what is genuinely ready to fall away in support of new beginnings, we run the risk of always being on, and striving for more without a deeper sense of connection, purpose, and fulfillment to the choices we’re making, and the actions we’re taking.

“I have such a larger appreciation for myself now. I can honestly say that I’m loving myself. I know that I am worthy, and that I am the priority. In working with Melanie, she allows time and space for nurturing, which is completely necessary and welcomed.”

Christin Brown

Why Now, and why it’s important to create this space for you?

My vision is that our space together is one that allows room for a natural leaning into and practice of embodying the energy that Winter mirrors to us- the necessity of rest, stillness, learning to befriend the fertile darkness and it’s magic, reflection on what is ready to be released, and some sacred visioning from a non pushing place.

It’s from giving space to pause and sit in internal reflection, that we can genuinely hear what is ready to be let go, and in its place we can more clearly see, feel, and hear what is wanting to be created next from a more connected and soul listening way rather than a “should”, or trying to fit into societies boxes of what we think we’re supposed to want.

This is not another New year’s resolutions workshop, as I feel often goal setting at the end of the year that comes from the energy of what is lacking/something wrong with you doesn’t really support your essential nature-in fact it can bring you further away from yourself, in that constant state of hustle, and striving, without really checking in on what you truly desire and what is wanting to emerge from a deeper longing within.

It’s time to re-align with you natural rhythms, and deepest longings.

Claim Your Space Now for our Virtual Gathering

What will the gathering include?

We’ll gather in circle virtually for a nourishing day of receiving, reflection, connection, and light visioning all in a sweet sister circle of women.

It will be a combo of…

I understand that this may feel like one more thing you do not have the energy for, yet, my vision is that our space together isn’t one more thing, and rather the space that supports you in replenishing your energy and filling up your cup so you can lead your life from a fuller cup.

Since working with Melanie, everything has shifted. I walk lighter in this world, even in the heaviest of times. I am no longer run by my stress, but instead my passions lead me. Instead of feeling sort of small and quiet, I feel free and fluid, able to move and take it ALL in!”

Carina Powers

Saturday, December 17th from 9:00-11:45 AM PST

Cost: $33


I designed this virtual retreat with the intention that this isn’t just another virtual offering to check off your list, and rather a space where it feels as much “in-person” as possible, and allows you to nourish, and connect to yourself through this transition into the Winter and the end of 2022.

With that being said, while I plan to record this offering (for only those who have enrolled) to reference back for ongoing inspiration, my intention is that this is a sacred journey to be participated in live from beginning to end-each exercise weaving into the next, and opportunities to share insights and be received as you desire. So. We need time and space like this regularly as a modern woman in this fast paced culture-and it is my pleasure to hold that space with you. So my invitation to you is to give yourself this gift of being there live, and showing up for your care and nourishment.

Claim Your Space Now for our Virtual Gathering

REFUND POLICY: Admission is non-refundable. You are responsible for the full fee regardless of whether you actually attend or complete the retreat. In the event that you get sick or have an emergency, you can transfer your ticket to someone else.

What to Expect from Working with Me, Melanie

Get ready for a day of embodied learning and exploring, as well as restoration and relaxation, AND sisterhood.

As women, we’re taught to believe that our needs can wait until later… that we’re only allowed to slow down after everything and everyone else is taken care of. 

Often we can squelch our desires and isolate ourselves to keep others comfortable, cutting ourselves off from our own life force and the power of community in the process.

I feel it’s time to wake up to ourselves… and to break free from all the limiting ways we’ve been taught to be and all we’ve been taught to hide our true nature. 

I believe–and have built my work around this belief—that it’s time for a new collaborative, feminine, embodied approach to life. One that allows you to create a way of living and moving that nourishes you, feels pleasurable, and brings you back to a juicy connection to yourself.

“I think that was part of the magic of saying yes was you never know what is going to come up that needs to be held and seen in community… and to be seen, held in community and supported was an incredible experience that I’ll never forget and I am forever changed. Melanie holds an incredible container and space, and I couldn’t have asked for a better experience and a more prolific opportunity for me to step into who I am.”

Ashley Kelly Brown

I hope you’ll consider joining me for this deeply nourishing, and reflective day as you transition from one year into another.

I know that sometimes it can feel like being around other people means you’ve got to be willing to put on a face or to perform, especially during the holidays…but that’s not what this is about.  Especially now, I feel we’ve got to put that idea down, drop the performance, and be willing to be seen exactly where we really are in what we’re truly feeling.

I also want to acknowledge that you may feel really called to join us, yet the idea of gathering with other women may feel intimidating or bring up old memories of not belonging, or being received to the surface. I so so get it. My intention is to receive you as you are and create a culture and community where everyone belongs. Along with a culture of women where we see, love, and champion each other in the process.

Claim Your Space Now for our Virtual Gathering

I look forward to being with you soon, and feel free to email me at if you have any questions about this gathering that you want further clarification on!