“You Are Ready Now…The 40 day Yoga-licious Project”

    Good afternoon and Happy New Year! As I embark on this New Year I am excited to share a new project with you all. The inspiration for this project is all of YOU. Over the next 40 days I will undergo a Baron Baptiste inspired 40 day program, which I have chosen to name The Yoga-licious Project. Take one part Yoga, two parts Yum-ilicious nutrition, and three parts brain fuel insights and you got a delicious recipe of goodness. My intention is to freely express the experiences and process I am going through in hopes of inspiring glimmers of this Rockin Awesomeness into your life! Get ready to Play, but before I begin let me explain the back story behind this Project so you get a better idea of my inspiration for it all. I look forward to sharing and playing with you all as I move through the next 40 days!

    As I walked into Yoga this past Monday I felt sluggish, tired, and uninspired. For those of you who know me well, this is completely out of my character. I have been questioning myself over the past few months, wondering why things have been feeling so different in all aspects of my life. I have such a zest for life and I am constantly inspired to share that with the world, yet lately I have not been feeling that way. As I was in downward facing dog, breathing and sweating, a moment of clarity took over me. I realized that within the past year I have experienced so much transition. I am in a completely different space sitting here now than I was even a month ago. The awareness that shined through on Monday was that I have been trying to fit my life a year ago, 6 months ago, and even a month ago into my life in this present moment. It is like that analogy of trying to fit a square peg in to a circle, and no matter how hard I try the square will never be the circle. As I literally flipped myself upside down on Monday, I took a moment to truly reflect on the experiences I have had in the past year, here is a glimpse:

    I started my Believe and Achieve Fitness business
    I moved 4 times (it is actually a cool story)
    I traveled across the globe to Israel
    I found Yoga
    I started a vegetarian/vegan diet
    I started meditating
    I experienced new forms of healing
    I connected with so many amazing people near and far
    I traveled to New York
    I worked with a life coach
    I had many opportunities to work with some amazing mentors
    I learned a lot about myself
    I read a lot of books
    I became part of a mastermind group of amazing and inspiring individuals
    I went to Tulum Mexico for the beginning of my Yoga certification
    I started a blog
    I began public speaking about Eating Disorders and Recovery by sharing my history of having had Anorexia
    I took a chance on Love and traveled to Vancouver where the Love of my life resides
    I taught my first Yoga classes at two wonderful studios in santa barbara
    I have been inspired by so many amazing friends and yogis
    And the list goes on…

    As I write the above experiences, Gratitude is ever present, and I realize I have learned a great deal in the past year and I am excited for more. Yet the realization I had in Yoga on Monday is that when it comes to actually “Being,” letting experiences and ideas develop and marinate, I tend to want to jump to the next thing. The epiphany I had is that I am a do-aholic (which is definitely not a bad thing :)), yet within all the doing it is also important for me to Be, to cultivate, and to nurture. As I embark on this new year my life is very different than it was a year ago. A year ago I was building, learning, growing, forming and while I am still doing all these things it is also important for me to cultivate and nurture what I do have in my life (which is pretty freakin amazing). The 40 day project is an opportunity for me to cultivate, nurture, and continue to integrate my love for yoga and good nutritious foods. It also gives me an ability to do something I am so passionate about and that is sharing and feeding (pun intended) your bodies and souls with new insights and ways of being, fun new recipes, and a safe place to explore YOU. I am excited to share, grow, and expand with all of you in the next 40 days and beyond. Now Let’s Play!

    The Yogalicious Project:

    -Daily Yoga
    -twice a day meditation
    -eating with the seasons from an Aryuvedic approach (within this will be a liquid only day once/week and a week detox mid 6 weeks)
    -Daily Journaling
    -reading at least 5 pages of an inspirational book per day
    -Cooking one new vegan/raw recipe per week (Sharing new recipes with you :))
    -Blogging daily
    -Getting plenty of rest
    -a daily Forgiveness Practice inspired by

    Gabriel Bernstein which consists of daily forgiveness affirmations.

    Stayed tuned daily, Muah!

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    1. Melanie, you are ROCKIN’ AWESOMENESS personified. Excited to grow, learn, and play along with your Yoga-licious self. Thanks for shining so brightly and sharing your authentic goodness with the world. Love you! E