When you have a community like this, this is what’s possible for you in your life
Many centuries ago, it was widely part of the tapestry of life for women to gather in circles.
They’d gather to tell stories about life.
They’d gather to celebrate the birth of a new baby.
They’d gather to grieve the loss of a loved one.
They’d share what was on their hearts.
And something magical would happen.
They were seen. Seen on a level that in our day to day lives we’re not often seen.
They were seen for who they were.
Seen in their pain.
Seen in their joy.
Seen in their visions.
In our fast paced society, even with our best of intentions, the intentional space to really sit with another, and see them without judgement, with an open heart, is often missing from our everyday interactions.
And especially with a pandemic this past year, this has been missing on such a deep level.
And yet it’s so often the medicine we need in support of living our most authentic lives.
To feel like we can open up.
To be met. To be heard. To be inspired.
To not sit steeped in a culture of fear with each other, and rather that of creation, inspiration, and witnessing.
Something transformational happens when you sit in a circle of women.
What begins to open up is a remembering.
A remembering of who you truly are before the world told you who to be.
A remembering of your intrinsic value beyond your job title, or how much money is in the bank.
A remembering that you are not alone.
Which is why I’m really thrilled that, for the first time ever publicly, that there are a few spaces open for the next cycle of my 12 month women’s circle group program which begins in September.
When you have a community like this, what’s possible for you in your life is…
- More energy to take action on the things you want to accomplish and create.
- Free to be more of yourself in all of your life.
- Feeling the confidence and trust in your voice, expression, and your full Self.
- Not second guessing yourself as much or feeling like you have to minimize your expression and words in order to create what you want and live from what is true and real for you …
- To feel so so supported and assured as you craft your path forward and potentially make life changing decisions that inevitably come up in our relationships, work, families.
- And being held in community and so celebrated as you step into your own inner authority and claim your brilliance, your vision, and your light.
If this is resonating for you, I’d for you to join me on the 12 month journey home to you and integrating this next phase of your inner journey of expression, claiming, and being you.
So many women who have joined me for this program, continue to renew because they know and feel the importance and power of having a community and guide to return back to regularly as a throughline for action, support, integration, and practice. There is something that happens for your inner journey at a much more accelerated pace when you have that container, and holding and magical experiences over time.
To take the next steps, please get in touch with me as soon as possible, by simply emailing me at melanie@melanieelkin.com, and we will set up a complimentary no strings attached time to speak. On that call you’ll have the space to share more with me about what is current for you, what you’re wanting, and then I’ll share more details about the program, as well as how I could see it being a supportive next step uniquely matched for you. Together we’ll then see if it makes sense to move forward.
I look forward to the possibility of connecting with you, and having you be received and connected with a group of women you can call soul family… Let’s chat!
With care,
P.S. Here’s a testimonial from a previous participant about the power of sisterhood:
“Coming into the program, I had deep, deep ‘sister wounds’ and wasn’t 100% sure I was ready to be in this type of setting opening up to unknown parts of myself with strangers. Yet even with my hesitation I decided to step in, and I am so glad I did. Being with these women for an extended period of time, they became my friends. My family. They saw me. They listened to me. They cried with me. They held me in their hearts and minds. I felt it. I trusted it. I reciprocated. I won’t ever give up on my renewed sense of sisterhood. I absolutely needed that for my healing. We all do. What happens in the sister circle is nothing short of magic rooted in unconditional love.” -Allysa