Did you see, I am changing the name of my business? (part 2: how to meet the unknown)
Hello beautiful,
A few days ago I wrote to you, about the exciting transition of changing the name of my business-if you missed it you can find it HERE.
I shared about what Yoga’licious has meant to me these past ten years and how she has supported me in accessing deeper parts of myself. To continue, I’d like to offer a bit more about what it’s been like to step into the unknown this past year, as I’ve transitioned out of the energy of Yoga’licious, allowing Essence’tially You, the new name of my biz, and the newest expression of my work in the world, to emerge.
It was about a year ago now that I began to feel that the name Yoga’licious no longer fit the depth and alignment of the work that I’m doing, and while I was ready to release the name itself, the process of re-birthing my brand has been such a learning for me. In fact, the new name didn’t come for 9 or 10 months! More than anything, in that time I learned how to hold sacred space for my own knowing to emerge and how to be with myself in the process of that unfolding.
The experience of letting go of Yoga’licious before knowing what would take her place has been all over the map. There have been moments of fear and frustration, where I just wished the new name would come already. There have been moments of turning to old habits of outsourcing my power, thinking my coach or a friend or a branding expert had the answer I needed. And there have been moments of peace, of holding the internal stillness, knowing there is no rush, and trusting that the name would come and the timing would be perfect. Until one day, sitting at a red light, in a quiet peaceful way Essence’tially You just appeared. I heard it so profoundly and without force or even thinking directly about it.
Through it all, I’ve had the opportunity to witness myself. To hold myself gently in moments of fear. To course correct when doubt set in. And to ground even more deeply into everything I teach about the sacred cycles and rhythms of nature and creation. It’s most definitely not lost on me that the emergence of my business’ new form took around 9 months, the same as a human’s gestational period!
The biggest gift in all this is that I’ve gotten to really live what I teach and to fully embody what I invite others into by sitting in the mystery and the dark and trusting the vast creative source that lives there too.
The truth that has emerged in all this for me is that I really can trust the creatrix that lives in me, and when I do, magic happens. The same is true for you. Whatever whispers you’ve been receiving from your soul, turn towards them. Even one moment of bravery, of following your curiosity, has magic in it, and trusting that has the power to change the course of your life forever.
If I’ve learned anything over the past ten years on this Yoga’licious journey, it’s that you don’t have to follow the rulebook. So whatever it is—from how you want to parent or live in your body to how you want to run your business or create your relationship—hold space for that whisper inside you that’s longing to be heard. Be willing to get curious about what’s possible. You’ll never know what’s there for you if you don’t allow yourself to begin.
P.S. Stay tuned for another big announcement next month, when I roll out a brand new offering that I have been working on behind the scenes and allowing room for its own birthing process. It’s work I am already doing with my clients, yet I am excited to now create a special offering for it. Hint it’s for you if inside your very existence you feel a longing. A longing to live, breathe, and express your essential Self in your work, and in the world and expand into creating leadership on your own terms. It’s for you if you’re tired of business as usual… if you’re sick of trying to fit into boxes, that were never yours to fit into in the first place…
and if you feel deep inside you have a message to share, and a desire to make an impact on our planet and in the lives of people you want to guide; all while feeling deeply embodied, nourished, and connected to your Self.
If this peaks your curiosity message me back here now, and I can make sure to reach out to you personally with more details!