A deeper listening…

Hello dear soul,

Last week I took a week off to tend to my heart, body, and soul. I am going through a major life transition (which I am not ready to share publicly, maybe one day), and it was so important for me to take the space to really sink into a deeper listening.

For me, that consisted of healing sessions, deep conversations with my family and friends, and getting out in nature to receive the benefits of Mama Earth.

As we head into the Fall in the next few weeks, nature is reminding us it’s time to shift our attention more inward, and to reflect on what is ready to be harvested, honored, and eventually released.

And so I bring it back to you sweet soul. How can you create space to drop into a deeper listening as we near the Autumnal Equinox? 

One thing I’ve learned in my exploration and transformation of a deepened listening is how important it is to connect with what you’re truly feeling, and how you are whole-listically.

That way you can continue to deepen your discernment of your own voice and Self, outside the noise of the world (which is loud right now!).

This is where the divine downloads can come through.
This is where the answers reside.
This is how we shift from where we are now to the next level/state of being we desire.

You deserve the pause.
It actually makes the rest of the work and life easier to navigate.

This email was for nothing more than to remind you, you get to choose for you.
The universe has your back.
(and I do too!)

Listen for the messages.
Ask for guidance. 
The path will become clearer day by day.

In service,

P.S. With the world the way it is right now, and with more stress, grief, and fear than we’ve ever had collectively in our lifetimes, I wanted to send you a friendly reminder that coming up in mid-September I will kick off my 12 month group women’s circle program and I have 2 sacred spaces still open. I only offer this once/year, and it’s a powerful and transformational guided journey home to you, your visions, living as your full essential Self, and a deepening into your authentic knowing with a powerful group of like-minded women.

You don’t have to walk this journey alone.

I want you to be supported.
I want you to resource yourself with tools to keep going.
I want you to keep going while HONORing your nature, your true self, and to organically bring your fullest expression of self into everything you do from now on.

This program uses your own body intelligence, movement, play, self-care, ritual, feminine embodiment practices, and appreciation to invite you deeper into your body, heart, and mind.

There will be 4 seasonal in-person retreats (3 in Ojai, and 1 in Hawaii next year!), monthly virtual group calls, a few other goodies, and all this in an intimate group of max 9 women so you will have high-level access to me.

I know we can do, be, and have greater when we have the right support.
I would love to support you.

Send me an email at Melanie@melanieelkin.com if you’re interested, and we can chat to see if it’s a good fit.

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