Take the Leap. Big reveal: I am moving!

Hello beautiful soul,

I hope your year is off to a great start, and I feel happy to be back in connection with you today.

Today I want to share with you something really big that’s happening in my life. Read below for more details.

I am sharing this with you today, because as being part of the Essence’tially You community, my intention is to grow along with you, and practice what I teach. To live as my most essence’tial Self, to inspire and support you in yours.

And so without further ado, read below for my big announcement.

My hope is by sharing today my big leap this year, it will inspire yours.

With love,

P.S. Also see below for an opportunity to be with me in retreat. I will be guest teaching at one of my amazing soul sisters’ retreats in the Summer in Costa Rica!

P.P.S. In the coming months, I will be changing the formatting of these newsletters. Stay tuned for additional new inspiration coming soon!


And now, one of the biggest plot twists of my life, I am just closing a big book of my life and moving/leaving my home of Santa Barbara indefinitely to travel – mostly internationally.

I’ve lived in Santa Barbara for 21 years, more than half my life. This is one of the biggest moves I’ve ever made, and to say I’m experiencing all the feels is an understatement.

At the end of 2021, I went to Costa Rica for the first time on a solo adventure that changed the course of my life forever. It was that trip that opened this new doorway and brought to life my adventurous spirit in a new way.

This past year, I’ve been doing so much personal growth, grieving, healing, and preparing for the time when I would begin my travels. I got the idea last year in January, and while I wanted to frolic into the wind, then I committed to restructuring so many things in my life to prepare for this and keep listening to my soul timing.

Which included restructuring my business in a big way so I could take it on the road – so YES, we’re still going to be connecting, and I am excited for the evolution together! This has also included so much facing, feeling, healing, and letting go in my life.

I experience myself as someone who loves routine and predictability and a home base, and also as someone who loves spontaneity and adventure.

So right now I’m choosing to nurture the one in me who is ready to deepen my felt sense of security within me and get to know my home-base inside me on a deeper level wherever I am. To say it’s stretching my comfort zone would be an understatement.

I plan to travel mostly internationally starting this Friday the 10th of February! Locations to be announced soon, although at this time I only know the first few steps, I’m letting my soul and spirit guide me…. and this is my big news for now!

While I will deeply miss Santa Barbara as there has been so much love, learning and growth here for me, it’s time to spread my wings and take this next leg of my journey. There’s a big world out there and part of my learning is to live in it in a different way. I love my community, and I feel so grateful for all the support I’m experiencing and those relationships I will continue to nurture.

I imagine at some point I will come back and also who knows what will be revealed along the way. It’s time in this next expression to continue to listen to my inner calling that goes beyond logic.

And so I bring it back to you. I am sharing because I believe inside all of us we have a yearning. A calling. That is revealed over time. A voice that says leave that job, take that first step towards love again, share that truth you’ve been holding back, start that project you desire to start, live as your true self and share more of what you feel inside, and so much more.

While I so get that it can be scary to take these leaps because they require a lot of facing into the unknown and trusting in the process, I feel you are here to live the life you desire, and that starts by coming home to yourself and starting to listen, nurture, and follow your inner voice and your collaboration with spirit and the universe.

It doesn’t have to look like mine. I think we’re often taught “go big or go home”, and that there is a certain way big leaps look. Yet, it doesn’t have to outwardly look big at all. It could be you listening to yourself and creating space daily to be in nature. That is BIG too. Whatever it is, I encourage you to give yourself the permission to start to listen. To allow yourself to feel the fear that comes up and befriend it, rather than having it take you away from your desired path.

I have much more to share in the coming months, and for now I ask you what is one simple, easy step you could take today to start listening to your inner callings? Is there a simple action step you’ve been wanting to take that you could do in the next week? What would you need to know from your higher wisdom to give yourself permission to take that first step? What fears do you need to befriend so you can take the first baby step?

I’d love to hear, and receive you if you’d like to share with me here.

More soon. I am excited to share along the way, and for now, taking the leap with you!

Next week I’ll be sharing more and for now I wanted to let you know about something I am really excited about that I sense you will love.
As I shared above this year for me is about continuing to listen and follow my soul callings. Part of that calling is to say YES to the things that resonate deeply with my heart & soul.As I embark on my life’s greatest adventures yet, I want to let you in on something I had a resounding YES to this year. Besides stepping forward into my own journey and continuing to support you through my own offerings, I am also calling in divine collaborations that speak to my existing genius and passion. And so I feel thrilled to share with you and invite you to a very special retreat I will be a part of this summer. I’m very choosy about what I take part in and this was a resounding yes for me!

My dear friend/soul sister, and colleague Ashe Brown of Pura Luna Apothecary has invited me to join her second iteration of Elemental Healing Retreat in Costa Rica! As many of you know, I adore Costa Rica and know the medicine of its healing magic. So when Ashe asked me to be a part of this retreat, my whole heart said ABSOLUTELY! I will be assisting through daily authentic and embodied movement practices to bring you home to yourself through your body, and some pieces of integrating the magic Ashe and the other leaders will be guiding you through. So it is with great pleasure that I personally invite you to join us June 30th-July 7th in Guanacaste Costa Rica for 7 Nights for this remarkable retreat.

Currently there is a special $500 off bonus if you enroll before 2/23.

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